Wicked Pro Events Website Design

A bold and simple website experience


The Brief

This is not your average event management company; the team at WPE turns the biggest and boldest of visions into reality through fully immersive, 4D experiences. In this case, the website functions as a credibility builder; there is no need for a robust sitemap or expensive bells and whistles - it just needs to look. damn. good, appealing to both a dreamy millennial event planner and your seasoned CEO.



Build Credibility


Millennial event planners + Seasoned CEOs



the details

Watson discovered the client's primary painpiont: previous design partnerships had not been able to accurately grasp and demonstrate the true essence of the WPE brand. Sales was not the problem: it came down to differentiating this team through strong visuals and language.

Without ignoring best practices and SEO, our goal was to demonstrate the team's experience-forward approach through a kickass, yet simple design. The Watson Creative Team dove head first into design, with concepts and stylescapes meant to 'wow'.

Except for minor revisions, the creative team "knocked it out of the park" on the first attempt. It was quickly off to the races, with visual selection and creative writing. The site was wrapped up and launched 3 weeks later without a hitch.

Wicked Pro Events Website Design
kind words

Mike Hemmingsen


Watson listened to our needs and delivered exactly what we were looking for.